Ascension and what it really means

Johanna Burkhardt
8 min readMay 31, 2021

The term Ascension is used a lot among the spiritual communities and often very misunderstood which leads to others sharing that misleading information and confusion continuing. I want to share what my team of guides has shared with me about what ascension is and how we can consciously ascend and step more into the driver seat.

Ascension is the process of transforming our density into light. Moving our bodies from carbon to crystalline. The density is our generational programming that is pre-loaded on this human body we step into. The human body is like a Tesla, it knows how to drive itself but it stills needs someone to turn it on. It has learned through the generations and evolved through trial and error from our ancestors and the journey we are currently navigating.

It is always going through the algorithm of the past so that it can navigate the future. This process IS the time-space continuum of repeating the past or “history repeating itself”. When we begin to become more aware of self and consciously choose to work with the light, we are consciously ascending. This is why often we feel “ascension symptoms” because the body is transmuting the density into the light, the carbon into crystalline. Just as the body works to clear a virus or a dis-ease. It is all energy.



Johanna Burkhardt

As a Spiritual Teacher & Healer, she has made it her mission to show you how to move from surviving to thriving so that you can create the reality you are des